The Healing Page


I believe in God the Healer.

So, on that note, I am asking God for some “words of knowledge” for anyone out there reading this who might need a touch from the jolly God Who is Love. I am going to list out some things I am hearing/seeing and speak love and life over those parts of you in Jesus’ name, sweet ones! Just receive this as a gift; you are dearly treasured. This is free!

I highly recommend you just hold out your hands like you are receiving a gift and test it out if you find what you are dealing with anywhere on the list. Feel free to comment and share with me any awesome stuff you are experiencing; it blesses my heart to see God love on people!

-Broken/fractured leg just below the knee

-Nightmares, particularly those resulting in heavy sweating

-Broken big toe

-Injury resulting from something involving macaroni and cheese

-Severe coffee burns

-Cigarette burns (multiple)

-Blackouts connected to trauma

-Anxiety accompanied by the feeling of your head being gripped as if in a vice

-Scars on the back from whipping

I love you, and I bless you—wherever you may be!

The Joy Detective

Treasure-Hunter: Unapologetic Idealist


I like layers. Layers fascinate me.

There’s the stuff on the surface. You know, the stuff most people see at first glance.

Then, there’s the stuff underneath—what happens when you run a cross-section at the lab. The stuff beyond. The 4D and the 5D beyond the 3D. (We often severely limit our perspective by assuming that there’s only one way of looking at things!)

We often underestimate our own glory (and as an extension of this, fail to see the glory in others). I couldn’t be that good, could I? Doubt. Doubt in our own worth. Our own meaning. Our own glory.

So, what did you hear growing up? What messages were you sent? I know of some girls who grew up hearing their fathers talk to them like they were street-walkers. I wonder what sort of standard that sets for how a woman allows herself to be treated? I know of men who were told that they were this or that because they showed an interest in music or art or dance. Lots of messages from people who, ideally, we’d like to trust.


Humans who probably heard the same messages from those they trusted.

What kind of life are you living based on what you believe about yourself? The messages you internalized as true? Do you like what has grown from that? The fruit of your beliefs? Are they tasty, succulent fruits? Poisonous, rotten, maggoty nastiness?

Metanoia. Change the way you think. You don’t have to believe everything you hear. 

Especially if it’s killing you.

What if I told you that you are perfect? What if I told you that God does not make crap? What if I say that Heaven declared your worth by what it was willing to pay for you? Only the best, my friend; only the best! What if I told you that you are no longer subject to sin or sickness or disease or death? What if I told you that Jesus Christ included you in His death and resurrection? All that bad stuff isn’t you; you get all of who Jesus is! You are not an outsider; you are an insider! You are not rejected; you are accepted! (Refer to Isaiah 53 and all of Ephesians.)

What if I told you that you were included before you were even asked for a say in it? You were loved before you even had a choice in the matter, dear ones.

If you really, really want hell, you can go there . . . but God’s certainly not the one sending you.

Those gates in Revelation 21:25 stay open for a reason. 


The Joy Detective


Conversing With the Almighty


Oh, politics. LOL.

Having this weird conversation with God. It’s goes something like, “You should write something pro-life!” 

I sit. I pause. I stare at the can of worms.

I am then reminded that a can of worms may be extremely useful when one is up to fishing. I think about how many times Jesus talked about fishing. Hmm . . . He really did seem to like those fishing analogies when He walked the jolly earth.

So, I cave. “Okay, God. Ideas? I feel like a lot of stuff I read out there is a little overly cliché and somewhat judgmental. That annoys me. I don’t want to write that. I’d rather not be a dingbat.”

“What about this conversation?”

I don’t know what, exactly, is pro-life about this conversation.

“Hello! You’re breathing! You’re writing! You’re alive! It’s pro-life!”

I guess He’s looking at it from a bit of a different angle. That whole abortion topic still flits about my mind. “Are we going to write about that?”

I hear, “About what?”

“You know . . . the whole abortion thing. The one that offends everybody and people get all angry about.”


Kinda weird response. “Is there a reason why You are laughing?”

Mr. “Unusually-Happy” replies, “People don’t even think to do that here in Heaven. It’s just not a thing. There’s more than enough, and everyone knows that. Children are adored and taken care of. You don’t have this nonsense of parents abandoning each other. All eyes are fixed on the Bride and the Lamb.”

Hmmm . . . I can see that’s He’s on a completely different page with this.

He continues, “You know, all of this goes away when people genuinely fall in Love.”

Interesting comment.

“People think they know Love, but you don’t know Love and do what is done now. I don’t order the sacrifice of children in My Kingdom, and I certainly do not condone the raping and oppression of women. I do not condone abandonment and betrayal of faith. Such things do not exist here, for it is not in My Nature.”

Okay. “Why do people do that here?”

“Excellent question.”

“Are You going to answer it?”

“Are you going to answer it?”

“God. You sound like You’re two years old.”

“I was once!”

Oh, yeah. The whole Jesus-thing. Dang it.

“Who is this that darkens My counsel with words without knowledge?”

“You’re quoting Job 38 at me! Not cool!”

“You know you like it!”

God’s getting sassy with me. Playful, sweet sassy.

“You know you love Me!”

Yep. Kinda can’t help it at this point. The Creator of the Universe is so Freakin’ Adorable. How He pulls off Infinite Majesty and Perfect, Manifest Cuteness blows my mind. Yes, I just said God is Cute. Get over it.

And, for some reason, a Black-Eyed Peas song begins to play in my head. Apparently, the Almighty wants to get something started here. Will it involve running, running? And then more running? Why does God sound a bit like Will-I-Am? Oh, now . . . I get it! I AM!!! HAHAHA!!! Brilliant. Brilliant pun. “Did You put that idea in his head?”

I feel something like a smile. Something like sunshine.

Yep. You know. I dig me some Holy Trinity.

‘Til Next Time,

The Joy Detective




Coming Soon: “Joy News”


Heads up, everybody! I am embarking on a new project to start reporting some amazing things taking place in the world around us.

I have noticed that generally what we focus on is what we tend to have manifest in our lives. On that note, I would really like to see ALL of us have wonderful things happen!

Starting this month, I am going on a hunt for the “gold”—wherever it may be found. I am searching out treasure in hidden places.

My vision is to cover topics ranging from miracles, beauty, good deeds, grace, compassion, wisdom, honor, noble things and just sheer occasions for joy. I want to promote artists whose brave creativity is making the world a better place. I want to find business people with honest hearts who desire to see everyone prosper. I want to find the ones who dare simply out of a firm conviction that God is good—and that everyone was created to be blessed out of their mind!

My first official article will cover up-and-coming artist and recent SCAD graduate Christine Burney’s recent art exhibition in Atlanta, GA. Be on the look out for this article! You will not want to miss.



Better Left Alone?


There are some things you can’t unsee.

There are those times when you feel this thing rise up in you. It’s distinct from a sort of bitter-anger that causes you to fall into a pit of depression mixed with deep resentment. It’s this kind of anger that moves on you to fight—to fight on somebody else’s behalf.

Even if they don’t think that they deserve it.

I have watched religion beat-up on the Bride of Christ like the proverbial abusive husband. Sometimes it’s physical abuse. Sometimes it’s verbal abuse. Sometimes it goes further.

It gets to the point where I go into a church worship service and hear the Beloved speaking absolute crap over herself like she’s some sort of horrible monster.

“God help me; I’m such a horrible sinner.”

The mantra.

What good, loving husband wants to hear his wife speaking that over herself? What good, loving husband wants to hear his wife call herself a worthless piece of _______? The Jesus that religion preaches is a far cry from the Jesus I know. The Jesus I know totally called me on my self-hatred and told me it was a load of bunk—and that I was WAY too hard on myself.

I’ve seen the scars and the bruises on the arms and the faces of women who have been trafficked. It isn’t too far off from the marks left on the hearts of the people who hear a message of “love Me or be tortured eternally by my sadist of a Father.” That’s the ugly face of religion, folks.

It isn’t the gospel.

Worship is not singing to the Lord about how bad and worthless of a person you are. That’s not worship; that’s spitting on the face of the Lord and denying the gospel. That’s taking the Lord’s name in vain—claiming to believe Him while spouting blatant unbelief in His ability to have accomplished a ________ thing on the cross. Pun-intended.

Worship more has to do with being overwhelmed with the goodness of God. Letting Him wash your feet and speak words of loving-kindness over you. Worship is believing and trusting in a Lover who treasures you beyond anything else in all creation. It’s about being thrown into a sheer ecstasy at the reality that God has forever joined you to Himself. Far from humiliating you, He has allowed Himself to be stripped bare in front of the whole of creation, declaring His love before the cosmos.

Selah on that, folks.



The Ecstatic Dance


Who needs a blast of joy today?

I am telling you, ladies and gentlemen, there is more than enough to go around!

Do you want to know what dearly frightens all of the demons of hell? Ecstatic joy exuding and pouring out from the bliss of knowing that you are forever and always embraced in the arms of your Creator, never to be parted!!! WooHOO!

So, today on the jolly blog, I am going take us back to the basics. If your grid for God has been derived from a bunch of religious guilt-trips and hating-on by haters, I have got splendid news for you: you got messed up on the head! God is the happiest Person that ever there was! (No matter how many times we forget that!) God’s a spinning dance of joy and love and community, and you are a dearly loved creation. Brilliant idea!

So, there’s this guy named Jesus, and He is really awesome. And I believe in Him. I believe in a God who is Three-in-One jolly happy dance and loves everyone. One of God favorite past-times? Loving on everyone who has been completely screwed over by religion! I believe that God is most clearly personified in the Person of Jesus.

You want to know what the cross was? You really want to know what the cross was? Well, that’s what you call spreading your arms wide-open for a hug, folks! Come at me, atheists! God completely loves you. You are amazing! Every time I run into one of you, I am reminded of God’s goodness. You want to know why? You help God deconstruct religious oppression. God doesn’t like oppression, so that makes you one of God’s favorites!

I believe that God wants everyone blissed out on the goodness of Jesus. No one excluded. I don’t care what the heck you call yourself; I call you loved!

Song of the Lioness


I hear the rumble;

I hear the roar.

It stirs something

in me,

draws me

to soar.

It’s the sound

of my King;

He calls me

“My Queen.”

He yearns to


the bellows

of the deep.

Peer into

those fiery eyes—

in which

neither weakness

nor strength

are found despised.

Fierce protection,


pardon me, now,

while I write

my thesis.


My roar fills the air

as I leap  and I bound

and I dance for

my maned one—

called sometimes


called sometimes

“Slain one”!


I see You

in rain, in sun.

I hear your


I feel you


We are not

so far off,

you and I,

for here

betwixt us

meets earth

and sky.






I have an extreme fondness of rainbows.

I see a rainbow, and I get extremely happy.

The thing about jellybeans is that each color has a different flavor. I think that is phenomenal. Pure genius. I like to imagine the ROYGBIV part of the light spectrum as having distinct tastes. Distinct, yet unified. Seven colors. All part of this pure white light refracted through some sort of prism.

The Bible talks about the Sevenfold Spirit of the Lord. It’s a topic I am still exploring. This sense of awe and wonder tends to strike whenever I begin to contemplate it. I read about this rainbow surrounding the Throne of the Lord. This is a fun Deity. A jolly Trinity.  A kaleidoscope of joy.

Multiply. Multiply. Multiply.

All this creativity! Ah! So awesome. So good.


Not So Jaded


I am not looking for love.

That might sound a bit odd to some of you. How many different posts and articles out there are giving tips on “finding love”?

I stopped looking for love when I realized how absolutely silly that is. I don’t need to find love because I already have love. Or, more accurately, love already has me. It’s the very fabric that holds together my being. I cannot function without it. I would fall apart without it. It is the very substance that I breathe. The image in Whom I was made. It’s just . . . there.  Kinda like that dog in “Up” that just won’t go away. He keeps following Carl around no matter how many times he is rejected. That’s a tiny glimpse of what love looks like. Tiny glimpse, mind you. Tiny! Tiny! Tiny!

Now . . . I am looking for love.


Actually, I habitually enjoy looking around and appreciating what I have been blessed with. So, yeah, I look around to see what I already have. Sometimes, I look around for the air. Sometimes, I look at my toes and think, “Nice! I have toes.” I love to go on treasure hunts because I always expect to find a treasure. It’s just out there, waiting for me. Set up for me to find.

Now, as the argument goes, “You just don’t live in the ‘real’ world.” I am sure that anyone with that argument has sources and experiences ready to be quoted. They may do so to their hearts’ content, and when they are done feeling tired and weary and depressed and weighed down by the worries of the world, perhaps they will come and consider Someone different.

I did not mistype.

That word-choice was quite intentional. Capitalization and all. I said “Someone” instead of “something.” Truth, for me, is not merely a list of facts and figures subjectively manipulated to support whatever is morbidly trendy. Truth is a Person. “Truth is Life is Love is Jesus Christ in relationship in the Trinity.”

And if you can say that five times fast, I salute you!

I really, really like being alive. It’s awesome. The thing about seeing the Christ everywhere is that it’s like perpetually being surrounded by a hug. You can have a miserable day, but in the end, you are held in the arms of love! The misery fades, but the love lasts—because love is faithful, and misery is such a cheater!

I define “love” or rather “Love” by Jesus Christ (and—for that matter—the whole Trinity) because I can’t find a better definition out there. Everything else just seems selfish and sad in comparison.

I say that knowing that people have all sorts of ideas as to who Jesus Christ and the whole rest of the Trinity is/are. (LOL, language limitations!!!) I say that knowing it’s not always the best communicated, and people get confused about it all the time. It just can’t stop me from falling head-over-heels and stumbling around like a really, really happy drunk.

Feel free to message me if you would like to taste the Source of the Bliss.

Until Next Time,

The Joy Detective

Clary & Watts


This poem was inspired by a video I recently watched featuring an interview with Johnny Lee Clary. He recalls some of his most hilarious and memorable interactions with one Reverend Wade Watts. The then KKK leader didn’t know how to handle this bold man— full of love and a great sense of humor! I write this in tribute to their story. 


I can’t keep up

with this drama;

someone is dissing

my mama,

and what did you

just call

my llama?



I take it

so seriously

every time

you get all up

in my face

—haha, oh, man!!!—

and hate on me

because of my race!

(Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful, boo!)


This is high-comedy;

what do you

want to be?

I see you staring

in the mirror,

but you looking

at me!

And I ain’t

quite insulted

as you’d like

me to be,

but wait—

would you


like me to be?

I can put on

that front; yeah,

I can go on

the hunt, yeah!

But I ain’t diggin’

for dirt, man;

I’m looking for gold.

You see the pan?


I know you’ve been

cast down;

I see them chains

and them rats around,

but that don’t conceal

to me your crown;

I see it hiding

behind that frown.


don’t you go sayin’

“I’m too lost to be found”!

I love ya, bro.

See you ’round.